The law of vibration

The law of vibration

You probably heard of it somewhere, at some time: The law of attraction. Whatever you focus on and put your mind to, will come to you as if you are a magnet. Although I believe in the laws of attraction, it is not the first law. It is, in fact, the second law of our universe. The first law is: The law of vibration.

As a disclaimer to this post, you will only hear what you are ready to hear. Some people will read my blog and think nothing of it, it will not change their life one bit. Others will see a significant change and for some enlightened beings, their whole life is created in the form of their own desires.

We, as humans, have a physical form in this world in which we communicate through our senses. We see, hear, communicate with other physical beings. Sometimes, the physical world takes over your spiritual world and will let you believe that there is nothing else because it is not to be seen and therefore, not there. Many people live their life in a way they dont want to be living it. They are taught in school that achieving higher education is the best option available, studying for 10 years to become someone that works a 9 to 5 is considered successful. Even Though a lot of people do not feel that that is their life purpose, they will follow it because everybody around them is doing it. Until this day I am still shocked about the fact that the majority of people live their life this way.

Although a lot of people would agree with me and tell me they are not living the life they desire, nobody would change. Fear, worry, doubt and all other negative emotions come in the way of their manifestations. Some people even don’t know 

what it is they desire exactly: They are so caught up in the physical world in which logic, chances and fear takes over, that they do not even let their desire be mentioned to themselves and just take life as it comes to them. I say those people are tip-toeing through life and are hoping for a safe trip to death.

What were the chances to put the first rocket to the moon when a computer was the size of a whole living room. What were the chances for the Wright brothers to build an aircraft? All the amazing things people achieved in history and now were not based on probable chances, they were based on an idea, desire and a strong will.

Whatever you can imagine in the spiritual world, you can achieve in the physical world. One of the most important tools here is something called Desire. Desire is your spiritual being communicating to you what it wants to obtain, if you let it. When you are in harmony with a thought, a desire, then you will attract that thing which is in the same frequency. Whether it’s a person, job, status in life, amount of money, you will only attract what is in harmony and on the same frequency as you are.

Our spiritual being consists of the conscious and subconscious mind. The conscious mind is the mind that is created by our environment, the way we see things, our perspectives and images of the world. The conscious mind was blank when we were born and is created through our life experiences. We have direct power over our conscious mind, we can choose who we want to spend time with, what we want to think about and see. We can manipulate it. Your subconscious mind is not changeable, it is a summary of your conscious mind which was created over your life experience. Your subconscious mind creates an emotion to every circumstance which manifests into a vibration to your body and will lead to results that are in the same frequency as your vibration in the physical world. The subconscious mind is called the paradigm. So to change the results that you are getting in life, you MUST change your paradigm. Changing the paradigm is possible and will be covered in the next article. What is important now, is that you understand the way our spiritual and physical beings work.

The beauty of this principle is that it is accessible to everyone. It is not something to be obtained, as it is already within you and already was.

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